Exam revision, husband ill, kids took over

Yesterday was a day of revision, it was a Saturday and the children were at home, so too was my husband.  My hubby was ill and I was consumed with bioscience revision, mainly the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.  I was trying desperately to revise these, as time is running out to cover all the systems I need to read over before my exam next week.

Children need attention, there is no doubt about it, but when they get to a certain age they can do things for themselves and even help out.  I’m at the lucky stage in their development where the children are 11 and soon to 8, they can help and more importantly they want to help.

My two daughters made me proud yesterday.  They took over the job of feeding us all.  With their dad ill and myself heavily stressed with a nose stuck in numerous books, they took charge.  For lunch the two girls decided to make toasted sandwiches, mine was a cheese and tomato sandwich with cucumbers on the side.  I can’t tell you how delicious this was and the gratitude I felt for them making the lunch and clearing up afterwards was tear inducing.

Not only did they make lunch, but they also found a Victoria Sponge chocolate cake recipe online through google.  They duly created this materpiece and had the plan to serve this after dinner.  I don’t know how they did it but it came out perfect and needed no help at all.  They cleared up well afterwards, the floor needed a mopping after though, so I set to work on this, but my youngest took away the mop and said she wanted to do it.

For dinner they cooked dhal and rice.  There wasn’t all that much to work with in the fridge and cupboards to be honest, so I suggested this, as we had the ingredients and it’s something that the whole family can eat (as one daughter is a vegetarian) and enjoys. They followed my own recipe which I had previously written down.  It came out perfect again.

They set the table, with mood lighting candles, folded napkins into foxes (again google is a wonderful thing) and laid out the drinks, condiments etc.  There was even the added touch of a menu.  They called us to the table, with pride and took on their hosting roles very seriously.  We were very well looked after.  Dessert was the Victoria chocolate sponge with custard.

I’ll be honest, since I started university, all household chores have been passed over to my husband completely.  There isn’t enough time in the day to do both, or at least to do both well.  Something would have to give, and I can’t let that be my course at the moment.  I need to stay on top of things.  It would be so easy to slip behind.

At a critical time as this, when my husband is ill, and I need to revise for my exam, the children took on the responsibility of looking after us all.  I’m proud and amazed at what they can do independently, but at the same time I’m saddened that this course is taking me away from spending the time with my husband and girls that they need and deserve. In the great scheme of things three years isn’t a long time, but in the life of a child, three years is significant.  My hope is that things will become less hectic at some point.




  1. I’m really quite impressed with your kids. When I was their age I was taught how to do chores but I won’t do things voluntarily. It’s so heartwarming to read about your experience, I thought scenes like that only happened in movies and sitcoms. :3


    1. I’ve taught them the basics so they know how to follow recipes, but to take over the whole day was amazing 🙂 I don’t think I would have volunteered as a child either!

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  2. Oh and please tell them — Congratulations on a job well done!


    1. Thank you I will do 🙂

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